
About the Author

Trey Lewis is a multi-faceted individual who has made his mark as a professional athlete, captivating speaker, and music artist. But, more importantly, Trey is known as a man of faith, and his love for God shines through in everything he does. Having played basketball at the highest levels, both in the NBA and overseas, Trey has gained a reputation as an exceptional leader, hard worker, and man of integrity. He utilizes his platform and influence to spread the love of Christ and empower the next generation of leaders, making a positive impact on their lives and inspiring them to reach their God-given potential.


“Peace to Perform” is a 30-day devotional designed to help athletes understand their true identity in Christ and equip them to overcome the pressures of performance. Through daily scriptures, readings, and prayers, readers will discover the transformative power of God’s peace, enabling them to excel at their highest level. From conquering fear to eliminating distractions, this devotional covers various topics, providing valuable insights to help individuals unlock their full potential. Whether a beginner or a seasoned professional, “Peace to Perform” will inspire and challenge athletes to excel both on and off the court or field.


P2P community
“Let’s Grow Together”

⁃ monthly mentorship zoom calls with Trey Lewis & Team
⁃ professional level basketball drills
⁃ Monthly goal driven assignments & accountability


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